The bedwetting alarm is a simple and child-friendly tool that helps you find a solution against bedwetting. In the past the bedwetting alarms were connected to the receiver (the alarm) through a cable, nowadays we only see wireless bedwetting alarms. All tested brands that we have looked at at least consist of wireless bedwetting alarms.
Sensor underwear also called Bedwetting Alarm Pants
The wireless bedwetting alarm systems usually consist of a transmitter that can be attached to the specially designed sensor underwear. This underwear can differ per brand and we would recommend you buy both the underwear and the bedwetting alarm from the same manufacturer. If you have attached the transmitter to your underwear before going to sleep, you can sleep peacefully. The transmitter is connected via a wireless connection to the receiver (also called the alarm). This connection can be made using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi but that differs per brand.
The bedwetting alarm transmitter and receiver
The wireless bedwetting alarms link to the sensor underwear consist of a transmitter and receiver. The receiver, also called alarm, has a different design per brand and the operation can also differ enormously. With one brand everything is wireless and with the other brand you plug it directly into the wall socket.
Use of the bedwetting alarm
The bedwetting alarm can only be used in combination with the matching underwear. The underwear contains invisible threads that contribute to the functioning of the product. These wires are connected to the transmitter that you click on your shorts and this in turn is connected to the receiver. The difference with the bedwetting alarms is mainly in the approach and the technique which allows more and more newcomers entry onto the market. These newcomers often anticipate the experience better so that the “clinical” and “medical” feeling disappears and working on a solution becomes more fun.
If you have installed the bedwetting alarm and your child pees a few drops at night, the transmitter will send a signal to the receiver (alarm) to wake up your child. This is how you subconsciously train your child to recognize the signal of a full bladder to get rid of the bedwetting problem. It is especially important that you let your child wake up properly and that he/she goes to the toilet and puts on clean pants. Always use a positive approach as well.
Reimbursement through health insurer?
The bedwetting alarm is partially or fully reimbursed by most of the supplementary health insurance policies. For this purpose, it is important that your child’s name and date of birth are mentioned on the invoice.
About Bedwetting Alarm
In recent years we have witnessed how mysteriously and awkwardly bedwetting is handled in many ways. Children who suffer from this become restless and insecure, are often not well understood and parents cannot speak openly about the issue. For instance, did you know that 15% of children under the age of 6 still experience bedwetting problems?
That unpleasant feeling stops now! We want to make the perception a lot more transparent, the conversation more open and make sure that parents and children who are dealing with potty-training problems have all the information at their disposal right away.