Bedwetting is a common problem in both children and adults. In this article we will tell you more about the most common causes of bedwetting.
Causes of bedwetting in children
Bedwetting is usually caused by several different factors and is rarely caused by a physical abnormality. For example, a child may produce more urine at night than other children. Tension and stress can also play an important role. Drinking too much in the evening hours is certainly not the cause of bedwetting nor is sleeping too deeply. If it is more difficult for your child to wake up and we can train that with tools such as the bedwetting alarm.
Many children become potty-trained when they are between 18 months and 3 years old. Most of the children have their bladder under control by the time they are 5 years old. Therefore, before a child is 5 years old, it is possible that he/she does not stay dry at night. So don’t worry because this is quite normal at this age. Does a child of 5 years or older still regularly wet the bed? This is called bedwetting and as it takes longer and the child gets older, this can be experienced as problematic.
Primary and secondary bedwetting
There are two forms of bedwetting: primary and secondary bedwetting. With primary bedwetting, a child has never been dry for longer than 6 months at a time. Secondary bedwetting is when a child (or adult) has remained dry for at least 6 consecutive months, but then wets the bed twice a week or more for at least 3 months.
Being aware as you pee
The main cause of primary bedwetting in children is often that your child is not yet able to recognize the sensation of a full bladder. A full bladder transmits a signal to the brain. The brain must then learn that this signal means a need to wake up. During the day people are much more aware of this process, which is why children are often potty-trained sooner during the day rather than at night.
Genetic causes of bedwetting
Children with parents, brothers or sisters who have or have suffered from bedwetting are also more likely to suffer from bedwetting. In general, primary bedwetting is more common in boys than girls. About 15% of all children who wet the bed recover on their own, the rest would benefit from a solution against bedwetting, such as the bedwetting alarm training.
Psychological causes of bedwetting
Primary bedwetting is rarely caused by psychological causes. Secondary bedwetting, on the other hand, is more common in children who have experienced a social or psychologically stressful situation, such as the parents getting a divorce.
Solutions for children
Fortunately, children often do not have a (physical) problem with peeing. There is a problem with recognizing the feeling of a full bladder in time! You can train this with, for example, the help of a bedwetting alarm. The bedwetting alarm training is a scientifically proven method against bedwetting.
Causes of bedwetting in adults
Bedwetting is also common in adults: 1 in 100 people in the Netherlands suffer from it. The causes of bedwetting in adults are diverse; from a temporary problem following surgery, to a long-term problem that has been going on since childhood. Secondary bedwetting in adults can have physical causes, such as inability to concentrate urine, an increase in urine production, urinary tract infections, or other urinary tract problems. In addition, social or psychological stress may play a role. Consider a trauma following, for example, the death of a loved one or being involved in an accident. Psychological conditions such as ADD/ADHD and borderline can also be causes of bedwetting.
When you wet your bed as an adult, it is always recommended to consult with a doctor. Various solutions are also available for adults. Bedwetting alarm training is also amazingly effective for adults, for example. In addition, absorbent underwear can help you get through the night dry.