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Enuresis nocturna also called bedwetting

Enuresis nocturna or bedwetting is a common problem in children. When a child of 5 years old has peed in bed at least twice during the past three months or a child older than 7 years has peed in bed at least once a month without a physical illness or other symptoms, we speak of Enuresis nocturna.

Enuresis Nocturna affects self-confidence!

No child likes peeing in his/her bed. It makes your child insecure and often has a negative effect on a nice sleepover such as staying with grandparents, family or friends. It is important that you recognize this problem and start working on a solution. Besides the fact that bedwetting is unpleasant for your child, it is of course also very unpleasant for the parents. You often have to get out of bed at night and then you can wash your child, change clothes and change the bed.

The solution for Enuresis Nocturna

The most important basis of an effective treatment is to approach your child in a positive way. Enuresis nocturna is very common in children and no child does this on purpose. Your child should therefore not be punished for bedwetting. A positive approach to potty training is important. Reward your child if it stayed dry at night.

Sharing responsibilities

When bedwetting, it is also important that you place responsibilities with your child that are appropriate to his/her age. Let him/her help with the consequences of bedwetting, such as grabbing a clean pair of pyjamas or removing the sheets. Awareness and motivation of the child to pee at night is important. For this reason, it is generally not recommended to wear a diaper in children 6 years and older.

Drinking before going to bed

Research shows that it doesn’t make sense to let your child drink less or not at all in the evening. Drinking caffeinated drinks such as cola, chocolate milk, tea etc. in the evening it is not recommended because of its stimulating effect on urine production. The basic bladder advice, regular urination, good urinary posture and drinking habits are effective in children with daytime incontinence, but these recommendations have little effect in enuresis nocturna.

The bedwetting alarm

The bedwetting alarm helps your child recognize the feeling of a full bladder and therefore offers a solution against Enuresis nocturna. Because your child is woken up as soon as it starts to urinate in his/her sleep, he/she recognizes the feeling of a full bladder. There are several different brands of bedwetting alarms on the market such as Dryly, Urifoon and Rodger. Transition times to dry nights vary from 6 to 16 weeks depending on the product and of course the commitment and motivation of both the child and the parents.