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Bedwetting alarm method

The bedwetting alarm method is the most effective method against bedwetting, but how does the bedwetting alarm method actually work? In this article we tell you everything you need to know!

What is ‘bedwetting’ really?

More than 16% of children around the age of 7 suffer from bedwetting. Usually this is because the child’s body is not yet fully developed. A large proportion of children who suffer from bedwetting have a bladder with a lower than average capacity. As a result, the bladder fills up faster than would normally be the case. In itself this is not a problem, but it does increase the chance of accidents in a period when you are still getting to know your own body.

This brings us directly to the next major cause of bedwetting. When the bladder reaches its maximum capacity through the night, it starts sending signals to the brain. These signals are transmitted through the central nervous system. In many children who pee in bed, the brain receives the signal from the bladder, but does nothing with it. The brain does not give these signals sufficient priority and does not wake the child from his or her sleep.

Slowly the bladder becomes fuller and fuller until it can no longer cope with the pressure. As a defense mechanism, the body deflates the bladder, which causes an accident! Very unpleasant, but fortunately the bedwetting alarm method has been developed to do something about this.

How the bedwetting alarm method works

The bedwetting alarm method aims to teach the child to better recognize the signals of a full bladder. When your child goes to bed, he or she puts on special Sensor Pants. A small transmitter with two snaps is attached to the bottoms. Through small invisible wires in the underwear, the transmitter keeps track of whether it becomes damp. As soon as your child starts peeing in bed, the sender notices this and immediately sends a message to the receiver. The receiver makes an alarm sound and wakes the child! This applicability is uniform for all solutions, but the different brands handle this differently.

Because your child wakes up at the moment the bladder is at its maximum capacity, he or she learns to recognize the sensation of a full bladder. By applying the pee alarm method over a longer period of time, it trains your child to recognize the signal of a full bladder more and more.

You could say that the bedwetting method accelerates the maturation process of these organs.

When do you use the bedwetting alarm method?

In the Netherlands, bedwetting is seen as a problem if your child is 6 years or older. Some parents prefer to start a year earlier. As long as your child does not experience negative pressure, it is no problem start working together.

We recommend choosing a quiet period where you can be sure that you will not have any ‘exciting’ activities for a few weeks, these activities could upset your child. For example, moving, starting in a new class or starting a new sport are examples of when not to start. Where the confusion often arises is that a bedwetting alarm is only effective when you are dealing with a problem. It would be much better and more natural if the bedwetting alarm method is already used as a tool. It is an effective method to develop the stimulus by sending a signal from the child’s body to start emptying the bladder at that point. This is only truly problematic and experienced by the child as very unpleasant and embarrassing when the problem takes too long before it is tackled. So truly take the initiative and do not let it go on for too long. Your child will be grateful to you for that.